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We all know it. We all have been there...

New year and with it comes new year's resolution

"from the 1st of Jan I am gonna change my life, I will start going to the gym, I will eat healthy... no more sweets, cookies......."

For most of us it can go quite well for couple of weeks or possibly months. BUT eventually we slip back to our old habits....


#1 Doing too many things at the time

Will power is not unlimited force.... one day it is gonna run out

Instead of focusing on changing your diet completely at once. Look at all the things that you need to change in your diet separately and pick one..... eat more veg, drink more water, eat protein with every meal... ect....anything

Stick to that single change and keep doing it for a s long as needed (week or two) till it becomes automatic

Just then pick another thing and repeat the process

After 2 months you will have introduced anything from 4 to 8 changes into your diet

Changes that are easy to maintain

#2 Lack of progress

When we start going to the gym the, our bodies are not used to it therefore the changes are bit quicker in the first month. After that progress slows down and in some cases stops.

Lack of progress can demotivate some people.

Our body are amazing in adapting to an external stress (training).....losing fat, gaining muscle, increasing stamina and strength are adaptations to an external stress. If you keep putting your body under same stress over and over after 4 weeks it does not need to adapt anymore.

One way how to make sure the progress is still there is to change your routine every 4 weeks.

The internet is full of different workouts

#3 Not allowing yourself little treat

People tend to be either 100% on healthy diet or not at all

Just like you need a off day form work you need to be able to forget about your diet and treat yourself

Focus on 90/10 rule.... 90% of the times eat healthy 10% of the time have what ever you feel like. If you eat 5 meal a day, through out the week that's 35 meals. 10% of that is 3 or 4 treat meals a week

#4 Not believing in yourself that you can do it

"He who says he can and he who says he can’t are both usually right" Confucius

Stop telling your self that it is too difficult .....that you can't do it ......that you just crave sugar too much

These are call self limiting believes, and we all have them. One of my favourite books on getting rid of them is The New Psycho Cybernetic published in 1960

#5 Not having the right approach

There is no a single diet or training routine that can fit everyone

We all have different lifestyle.... stop trying to fit yourself into "the best diet", rather then that find a diet that fits into your lifestyle

There are professionals everywhere... Personal trainers, Nutritionist, Gyms that offer nutritional advice

Surround your self with like minded people that share the same goal or find someone who will hold you accountable. Reach out to them and ask them for help.


50 St. Mary Axe, EC3A 8FR,

E-mail: Tel: 077832 77682


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